Widening the Lens

^z 4th May 2023 at 2:59pm

From Chapter 7 ("Opening Our Heart in the Face of Fear") of Tara Brach's Radical Acceptance:

Widening the lens makes a full and accepting presence possible. Imagine the difference between a herd of wild stallions enclosed in a small corral and those same horses galloping through wide-open plains. This is the difference between seeing life with a narrow focus and widening the lens to a more spacious view. When our field of awareness is open and last, there is plenty of room for the stallions of fear to kick up dust as they stampede through.

And in the guided meditation "Meeting Fear with an Open and Engaged Presence" at the end of that same chapter:

With each in-breath, feel your willingness to gently connect with the waves of life that are unpleasant and disturbing. Breathing out, let go and feel how the waves of fear belong to a larger world, an ocean of openness. You can surrender your fear into this vast and tender space of healing. Breathing in, you contact the immediate sensations with a kind and clear attention. Breathing out, you realize your belonging to the boundless awareness that has room for all of life's fears.

If you feel defeated or numb, focus on your physical sensations and contact them fully with the in-breath. If you feel as if the fear is "too much," emphasize breathing out—letting go into openness and safety. It can help to begin again by listening to sounds or opening your eyes. You might remember the spaciousness of the world or reflect with compassion on all those who at this moment are also feeling fear. You might bring to mind a person or spiritual figure or place in nature that conveys a sense of safety. Once you feel that you belong to a larger world, again attend to the way that fear expresses through your body and mind. With time, you will discover an artful balancing of touching fear and remembering openness.

(cf. Enso (2012-02-29), Ceaseless Society (2012-05-10), Pause and Breathe (2014-07-25), Perfect Size for Letting Go (2015-09-14), ...) - ^z - 2015-09-30